# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "immuneSIM" in publications use:' type: software license: GPL-3.0-only title: 'immuneSIM: Tunable Simulation of B- And T-Cell Receptor Repertoires' version: 0.8.7 doi: 10.32614/CRAN.package.immuneSIM abstract: Simulate full B-cell and T-cell receptor repertoires using an in silico recombination process that includes a wide variety of tunable parameters to introduce noise and biases. Additional post-simulation modification functions allow the user to implant motifs or codon biases as well as remodeling sequence similarity architecture. The output repertoires contain records of all relevant repertoire dimensions and can be analyzed using provided repertoire analysis functions. Preprint is available at bioRxiv (Weber et al., 2019 ). authors: - family-names: Weber given-names: Cédric R. email: cedric.weber@bsse.ethz.ch - family-names: Greiff given-names: Victor email: victor.greiff@medisin.uio.no repository: https://greifflab.r-universe.dev repository-code: https://github.com/GreiffLab/immuneSIM commit: eeff4385c9ea9c73cfdcc3ee7305f09729a29b58 url: https://immuneSIM.readthedocs.io contact: - family-names: Weber given-names: Cédric R. email: cedric.weber@bsse.ethz.ch